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Instructions - How Tos etc

How To – Tips & Tricks

How To – Tips & Tricks to Get Things Done Online

As a project gets completed, clients often need some documentation to keep on top of their site. Often, that documentation is the same every time. “Hey!” we thought, “We can share this with everybody!”

So, while we’re here we’ll put other How Tos online. We’ve been doing this a long time, we’ve done a lot of things and explained how to do a lot of things. This might grow fast.

We genuinely want this to be useful to everyone so:

  • If you’ve got a How To you want to see and isn’t here, drop us a line, there’s a form at the bottom of this page.
  • If we’ve got the instructions wrong, please drop us a line …
  • If you don’t feel you can complete the task, please, please, drop us a line. If we can write it down, we can probably do it pretty quickly.

All articles E&OE



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