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Illustration from
Little Fire Digital

It‘s true – a picture tells a thousand words.
Technical or humorous, vector-based, 3D or scribbled – a unique, original image from Little Fire Digital can tell a story like nothing else.

Some of our team were born with pencils in their hands.

They love to get their hands away from the keyboard and whip out the watercolours.
In a world of generic machine-driven imagery, a hand-drawn illustration can depict exactly what your clients need to see in a clear and direct manner without unnecessary detail.

Ice axe

Clearer Training Materials

Strip away all the unnecessary detail and let crisp, clear images instruct your end users.

These illustrations were part of an enormous number prepared for Mountain Training UK. People‘s lives have depended for years on their accuracy and clarity.

Technical Illustration

Mixing vector illustrations, 3D modelling techniques and source images from NASA, Little Fire Digital worked with FotoView to create illustrations that convey technical, complex ideas simply, compellingly and beautifully.

Satellite orbiting Earth

Add Some Personality

Get something different from Little Fire. Our award-winning illustrators love nothing more than whipping out their pencils and paints.

Grotesque or cheerful, a hand-drawn image from us will give your marketing material something that no one else can match.

Shade of Midsummer Night's Dream


Google Maps are great, they really are. But sometimes you need a bit less detail, a shade more emphasis or, perhaps, just the human touch. Sometimes automated mapping does not convey your ideas exactly.

We’ve even drawn maps for places which only exist in the client‘s head.

At Little Fire Digital, we love maps. Let your clients imagine their destination or somewhere new entirely. They never need to get lost.

Need Something Unique?